Standalone Installation


One installation of API Simulator can run multiple simulations on the same host concurrently by starting a separate lightweight API Simulator process for each simulation on a different port number.

Minimum Requirements

All that API Simulator needs is Java 8 or above. Using the Docker image is also a great way to enjoy and take advantage of API Simulator without having to have Java.

Install a Java Runtime first, if it is not installed already, on the host where you will be running API Simulator. Make sure that it is a JDK or a Server JRE - do not use Java for browser.

API Simulator is lightweight - it doesn’t require an application server or a database!

Install on Linux

Run the commands with sudo, if needed. For example:

sudo tar xzf ....

First, download the apisimulator-http-<version>-distro.tar.gz file to, say, "/tmp". (Mac users may find that the zipped distro file works better for them)

Assuming for simplicity that API Simulator will be installed under the root / directory, execute:

cd /

Then extract all files from the distro archive:

tar xzf /tmp/apisimulator-http-<version>-distro.tar.gz

If needed, change the owner of all of the installed directories and files to the Linux service account under which the API Simulator will run:

chown -R <account> apisimulator

That’s it!

Install on Windows

First, download the apisimulator-http-<version> file to, say, C:\Temp.

Next, extract all files from the distro archive. One way to do that is to select the distro file in Windows Explorer, click on the file with the right mouse button, and choose "Extract All…​" from the context menu; enter C:\ in the popup dialog box for the location where to extract the file and click the "Extract" button.

That’s it!

Directory Structure

Installing API Simulator creates the following directory structure:

└─ apisimulator-http-x.y.z
    ├─ bin
    ├─ config
    ├─ examples
    ├─ lib
    └─ logs

Here’s a brief description of each directory:

Name Description


API Simulator’s home directory


API Simulator for APIs exposed over the HTTP protocol. x.y.z is the version


Scripts for Linux and Windows to start and stop API Simulator for a simulation


Default configurations


Simulation examples to get someone started with API Simulator


Libraries the API Simulator uses


Default directory for API Recorder’s log files. Each simulation has its own default logs directory

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Happy API Simulating!