API Simulator 0.6.1 Release

November 1, 2017 


Embedded API Simulator is an indispensable tool for simulating API calls in tests or the calling of APIs that don’t exist yet.

Few weeks back we released the Embedded API Simulator packed with features. Something that was missing was support for simulating API calls over HTTPS. This release adds to the Embedded API Simulator support for HTTPS via three different kinds of TLS configuration – X.509 certificate and private key in PEM format, run-time generated self-signed cert, or Java KeyStore (JKS).

As result of refactoring within the API Simulator’s core, configuring TLS for HTTPS in the Standalone API Simulator is now even easier – check out the HTTPS example in the distro.


We invite you to learn more about API Simulator, download and install it, and run the examples. Why not even create API simulations to help your own testing and development?

Let us know what you think at [feedback at APISimulator.com]. Many thanks for your interest and support!


Happy Simulations!