API Simulator 1.7 Release

August 05, 2020   API Simulator version 1.7 is here! New features and improvements make API Simulator even better: Support for callbacks to simulate request/acknowledge/callback message exchange pattern. Callbacks can be HTTPS or HTTP requests over the HTTP/1.1 protocol, or over HTTP/2 using any one of the three methods to connect: TLS with ALPN (Application-Layer… Read More »API Simulator 1.7 Release

Spring Boot Auto-configuration for Embedded MongoDB with Support for Transactions

By using EmbeddedMongoAutoConfiguration in Spring Boot, it is possible to test your code against a live MongoDB instance that is started and stopped automatically. In version 4.0, MongoDB supports multi-document transactions on replica sets. As of now (circa June 2020), Spring Boot doesn’t have out of the box support for testing with embedded MongoDB that… Read More »Spring Boot Auto-configuration for Embedded MongoDB with Support for Transactions

API Simulator 1.6 Release

March 15, 2020   We are excited to announce API Simulator version 1.6! It brings new features that make API Simulator more powerful and easier to use than ever: The API Simulator’s DSL (Domain-Specific Language) now allows for modeling more than one possible response for the same simlet. Whereas before it was required to define… Read More »API Simulator 1.6 Release

API Simulator 1.4 Release

August 18, 2019   We are excited to announce API Simulator version 1.4! Here is the scoop: Added support for single configuration file for multiple simlets. It gives you a choice – place each simlet in separate directory as before or all simlets in a single configuration file. This can be very handy for smaller… Read More »API Simulator 1.4 Release