API Simulator 0.6.1 Release

November 1, 2017    Embedded API Simulator is an indispensable tool for simulating API calls in tests or the calling of APIs that don’t exist yet. Few weeks back we released the Embedded API Simulator packed with features. Something that was missing was support for simulating API calls over HTTPS. This release adds to the… Read More »API Simulator 0.6.1 Release

Embedded HTTP API Simulator is Here!

October 7, 2017   You’ve asked and we delivered – embedded API Simulator you can start, stop, and use to simulate HTTP APIs from within your applications.   Built on the standalone API Simulator’s foundation, embedded API Simulator also offers an intuitive and simple to use Java DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for defining simulations and their… Read More »Embedded HTTP API Simulator is Here!

API Simulator 0.5.2 Release

May 28, 2017   The focus of this API Simulator v0.5.2 release is new Test Data Management (TDM) capabilities related to the generation and use of random values in API simulations. Here are the highlights: New random token generator makes it easy to generate random text values according to a pattern. New random number parameter… Read More »API Simulator 0.5.2 Release

API Simulator 0.5.1 Release

March 5, 2017   This release improves various aspects of working with API Simulator and running the example simulations. API Simulator v0.5.1 Release Changes Removed the separate startup and shutdown scripts for Linux and Windows. Now it is just one script – apisimulator/apisimulator.bat – with ‘start’ and ‘stop’ arguments. Improvements to the apisimulator, apisimulator.bat, apiclient,… Read More »API Simulator 0.5.1 Release